Monday, August 5, 2013

Butternut Squash Soup

A member of my family suffers from acid reflux; when onions are avoided (along with mint, coffee, and dark chocolate) it is best for the esophagus. Since I wanted to make this soup stomach-acid friendly, I decided to try it sans onion, and it came out oh-so-good.  

The secret is in the celery. It blends with the squash flavors perfectly, adding a pleasant zing.

Additionally, roasting the squash whole or halved is much easier than slicing it when raw

The ingredients are not set in stone; just add whatever is liked, ergo the somewhat vague recipe list below.  

Even Luke, who is a tad averse to anything with nutritional value, said, and I quote, "I would eat this." My niece? I kid you not, she said, "This tastes like ice cream." (It does depend on the sweetness of the butternut squash, mind you.) High praise indeed.

When I have eaten "sinfully," I live on this for a few days. My body absolutely hums with joy—oh, the health benefits!

For those whose tummies are free of overactive acid, definitely sauté an onion first. 

Acid-Reflux Free Butternut Squash Soup 

2-3 small butternut squash 
3-6 stalks celery
2-4 carrots
2-3 sweet potato 
2-3 parsnip 
bulb of garlic 
course sea salt 

1. Prepare the squash and garlic for roasting. Either (a) stab the squash all over with a knife or (b) slice in half, scoop out the seeds, and place face down on the parchment paper. Slice off the top of the garlic bulb, put it in foil, and drizzle with oil. Place into 375°/400° oven for an hour.

2. Boil a kettle of water. The thickness of the soup is based on preference, so I don't have a specified amount. Some like a thick soup, others thin. Adding boiling water to the vegetables as opposed to room temp keeps the cooking at a steady pace (but one can always add room-temp water whenever). 

3. As the squash roasts, drizzle some oil in the bottom of the pot over a low-ish flame and add the chopped celery. I like to sauté the celery for a few minutes
4. Add the chopped carrots, parsnip, and sweet potato. A hefty shake of salt will help bring out the liquid (and provide flavor); add the boiling water. Let it simmer until the vegetables are tender; 15-20 minutes.
5. After the hour is up, remove the squash and garlic. (If one is being smart and patient, they will wait until both are cool enough to handle, but I can't seem to stop myself from partially singing my fingers.) Pry out the squash from the peel, and squeeze out the roasted garlic. 

6. Since I like to have some consistency in my soups, I blend the squash and garlic with some water separately with an immersion blender, then add it to the rest of the cooking mixture. For those who like a completely smooth soup, one doesn't have to bother with making the other vegetables so prettily chopped, add the roasted squash and pulverize it.  

7. Mix additional water to the soup until desired thickness is achieved. Season with pepper, and if needed, more salt.


JerusalemStoned said...

DROOLING. That looks awesome. I will make it. For myself. my preeeecious.

Anonymous said...

i feel this way about gazpacho [green or red tomato!] in the summer. cold AND refreshing.

Princess Lea said...

JS: We wants it! We wants it!

gelt: That visceral love? I make this soup every Sunday. Not getting old.