Sunday, July 31, 2011

Misapplied Brilliance

Now, this story is nuts. 

Here we have a brilliant woman (although she did not finish college she landed high-paying jobs on Wall Street) who lets a loser into her life. He claims to be a detective, but spends all day on the couch watching cop show reruns. 

Eventually, his sleaziness comes to a head and she brings charges against him. 

In revenge, he frames her. Not only does he frame her, he frames her so well that she rots in prison for 7 months, taken away from her child and her career in ruins. 

This guy has the brains to frame her and get away with it, and yet he spends his day channel-surfing. What sort of evil genius could he have been if he actually tried to excel?
What a waste. 


  1. This story will be the next movie starring Liam Neeson :)

  2. I could just picture it. Poor guy, he's really been typecast. He was best as Qui-Gon Jin.

  3. Some people are just attracted to weirdoes, although that story takes the cake. Good post. Just comes to show you evil never really wins. I think this guy is going to sit in jail for a long time. Perhaps they should cryogenically freeze him in deep space instead? ;-) “You know, Dr. Evil, I have always thought you were crazy, but now I can see you're nuts.” :-)

  4. Unbelievable story. I always said to myself that all of these shows are a little bit too well-portrayed for the good of the world. If someone watched every single movie and TV show on the subject of crime, analyzed what went wrong, how they got caught, etc. they could easily pull off the perfect crime. The wealth of information available on the internet as well as just by watching TV, can easily lead to someone figuring it all out and pulling it off.

  5. Unfortunately, he is not an anomaly. There are plenty of individuals (and groups) who use their G-dgiven talents to wound instead of heal.

    But like I mentioned on a recent post, it shows the power of even just one person. Imagine if he had used it for good...

  6. Actually, he's not going to rot in jail for a long time. Despite the fact that she had alibis, the police slammed her with charges and chucked her in prison, while he was waltzing about despite a pending rape charge.

    One thing I definitely learned from "Law & Order" - the system is not foolproof.
