Friday, April 15, 2016



Daniel Saunders said...

As a millenial who came back (albeit that I started coming back before anyone even said "millenial") the interesting thing to me is that they often aren't coming to full Orthodox practice, but picking and choosing. This is similar to the decades-old situation in the UK where Reform and Masorti have a relatively small following and the biggest Jewish organization is the Orthodox United Synagogue - but most US members are, at best, traditional and not shomer mitzvot. This was my family background and it seems unsustainable for many Jews my age, who are either moving to full halakhic observance (like myself) or, more often, opting out of religious Judaism altogether. Of course, I don't know how much that unsustainability is due to a pick and choose attitude to mitzvot, there are plenty of other factors, like the rather stuffy and small-c conservative nature of the United Synagogue, certainly compared to the informal minyanim in the article.

Anonymous said...

If I weren't working on chol hamoed, I'd be perfectly happy to sit around and relax. Though I would probably feel more pressured to "do something" if I were married/had kids.

Princess Lea said...

DS: Outside of the US, I find, being traditionally Jewish is more common than in the States. Here, assimilation is more the rage.

Anon: I grew up not doing anything on Chol Hamoed; I didn't feel cheated. Ma felt no need to entertain us, and we were happy not being dragged around to venues overflowing with other Chol Hamoed-ers. Even with kids, it's not a requirement. If there is one kiddo who wants to "do" something, suggest doing it on another day when the whole world isn't out and we won't get stuck in line.