Friday, September 28, 2018


  • "A Glimpse Inside the Hidden World of Hasidic Women": They mean Lubavitch women, in this case. I'm not exactly sure how "hidden" Lubavitch women are, considering their social-media savvy and various online businesses, but that's the NY Times for you. I was taken aback to read in the original article that Lubavitch women shave their hair, but as can be seen on the bottom of the online version, there is a sheepish correction that they do not. That's a pretty big error, no?


Altie said...

Interesting how it starts off by saying she was lost in Williamsburg, Brooklyn and found Lubavitch, when everyone knows it's in Crown Heights.

Speaking for most Lubavitch married women I know, and having grown up chabad myself, I don't know of any women who shave their heads. Some keep their hair short. Some follow the "two finger" rule regarding length of hair allowed to show under tichel, etc. But you're right, it's not a Lubavitch custom to shave.

I feel like these articles never really do the community justice. I didn't see a real point in her article.

Princess Lea said...

It was more anthropological condescension, I think.