Monday, August 31, 2020

Let's Talk About Flour

I, like the rest of the corona hermits, have taken to baking. When my sister stops by, she asks, "So what treats are in the freezer?" 

They haven't all been successes. The peanut butter cake that I made for Han (I hate peanut butter) is still untouched and taking up valuable space. The sourdough had a flop or three. Plus my "Battle of the Bulge" is a freakin' Waterloo, even with all my healthy swaps. Eh, it's COVID. We're all fat. 

For my cake and cookie needs, I usually use whole wheat pastry flour. The kintz with "pastry flour" is that it contains a lower protein content than regular whole wheat, meaning the cakes and cookies have the "right" texture. Or some such. 

But with the run on flour, I can't find whole wheat pastry flour anywhere. So I needed an alternative. My local store carries Shibolim whole spelt flour, so for the purposes of science I'd figure I'd give it a go. 

Whole Spelt Flour | kosher konnection

Whilst it sat nestled in the pantry, an article popped up in my Facebook feed about the glories of spelt. It claimed that while spelt contains gluten, the gluten strands are very fragile (unlike in wheat, where they are tough and sturdy). Because the gluten in essence falls apart in the stomach, spelt-based goodies are easier to digest than wheat. 

Well, I was out of pastry flour, so let's give it a go. 

1) The Bundtcake

This recipe was supposedly developed by my aunt, but it's near identical to another official recipe, so it looks like took false credit. In any case, the whole spelt tasted the same, but it's darker in color than the white whole wheat flour. 

 2) Lemon Cookies 

Han was quite clear. "Your best batch EVER," he proclaimed. When I asked for details, he said, "The crispiness. There's a dense crispiness." I'm not sure what he means by that, but he's always about texture. 

Personal Observations: Well, I'm not sure if I'm being delusional here, but it does feel easier on my stomach. My digestion, I must confess, has gone all geriatric on me (I can't eat a whole bunch of stuff anymore) so I'm rather in tune when it gets crabby. 

Conclusions: I think I'll stick with it. Some kids may get scared that the Bundtcake is a different color, but I won't tolerate racism in the kitchen.


Anonymous said...

Would love your recipe for lemon cookies! My favorite flavor, but it's rare to come across recipes other than lemon meringue pie type.

Princess Lea said...

The recipe was originally for fennel cookies, but I swapped it out for lemon and it's been working quite well.

1.5 cups flour (whole wheat pastry or whole spelt)
1/3 cup sugar
lemon zest (I use lemon extract for this)


1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice


If dough too dry add a teaspoon of water at a time.

Let dough rest for 10 minutes, then roll and cut into cookies.

Bake @ 350 for 20 minutes.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I look forward to trying it out.

Anonymous said...

Why I can’t found your extra fine spelt flour?

Princess Lea said...

It's not carried everywhere. Even where I usually get it doesn't always have it. In recent years I've been using this: