Thursday, September 11, 2014


My niece, now fourteen, is at that awkward age of clothing shopping. I remember that I couldn't find anything that made me look civilized until I was 18, so I do not envy her. 

A family bar mitzvah was coming up, and after surfing frantically online and emailing requests for skirt length and asking if seamstress could lengthen this or that, my sister finally went to an actual store, and saw a skirt that was appropriately flary for my niece. 

Meh, she thought, it looked so unimpressive on the hanger. 

But then, my mother's motto reverberated in her head, like a divine voice from the heavens. "Just try it on!" (That was the sum of their conversation when I was a kid).

So my niece tried it on. And it worked. She pranced home with a desperately needed outfit, all without online complications. 

It often happens when I go to sales that after amassing a gigantic pile, I casually pick up yet one more thing from the rack. Doesn't look like much, but what the heck, and I toss it on top of my selections. More than once, that "pity" item is the only thing I end up purchasing.
Success in shopping comes down to four simple words: Just try it on

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