Thursday, October 6, 2016

Sorta Spanish Eggplant

"This eggplant is about to get funky," I said as I rummaged through her vegetable drawer. "This red pepper too." 

This. Means. SPANISH EGGPLANT! To the spice cabinet! 

"Where's your paprika?" 

"I ran out." 

"You ran out?" 

"Yes." Her head hangs sorrowfully. "Shabbos wasn't the same." 

"OK . . . you have"—making a mess of her herbs—"red pepper flakes and black pepper. I can work with this." 

In a basket were onions and garlic. "Can I use these grape tomatoes?" 

"No tomatoes." 

"Right, you don't like tomatoes . . . have anything against ketchup?" 

"Ketchup is permitted." 

Onions were happily sauteed. Minced garlic and red pepper flakes were added. Then the salted and rinsed chopped eggplant and chopped red pepper. Simmer simmer simmer. Healthy squirts of ketchup. Finish off with hearty cranks of black pepper. 

YUM. This'll do.  

(Should have taken a picture, but ate it all before I could.) 

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