Friday, August 5, 2011

Sunscreen - That I Like!

After researching my mineral powder sunscreen for blog post-purposes, I became concerned that, perhaps, maybe I should be applying something with a little more kick underneath. 

Quandary: I cannot stand, I repeat, cannot STAND lotion sunscreen. No matter what they burble on the label - "oil-free," "non-comedogenic,"  "will not cause breakouts" - my skin feels ugh and I am smitten with blemishes.
I began to search on Amazon, basing preferences on the amount of positive reviews. It became obvious that I would have to spend more on the sunscreen I was looking for, so I stopped bothering with an under $20 cap. 

I settled upon the Eltamd UV Clear SPF 46. With a good amount of reviews awarding it a 5 star rating, I decided to have a go. 

Oh, my. 

The consistency is unlike anything I have come across before. It's not goopy; it blends perfectly into the skin without much rubbing, spreading easily. Unlike other sunscreens, my skin feels light and airy after applying, not as though it's been wrapped in cellophane. And in terms of blemishes, so far, so good; it has not caused any breakouts. If anything, I think it has even prevented them. 

I mix it with my tinted moisturizer, and it leaves a shiny finish,  I buff the mineral SPF on top. Powder can also take care of any lingering shine.  

This sunscreen is great for sensitive skin, and it treats the skin as well as protect it, reducing signs of damage. 

Eltamd also has a number of other sunscreens for other skin types and concerns.

This one is geared more for skin aging concerns; it contains hyaluronic acid to treat wrinkles. 

This one is a moisturizer as well as a sunscreen, targeted for dry skin types and can be used all year round. 

My sister was visiting and saw the bottle on my shelf, and asked why I got it. Apparently, her kids' pediatrician is selling Elta MD from his office, highly recommending it to his patients. Another pro: doctor approved. 

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