Thursday, January 10, 2013

Oily Hair is Happy Hair

In the humid summertime, I iron my hair for Shabbos to ensure no frizz (maybe just less frizz). 

Usually, by Sunday, my hair looks great—enough oils have redistributed, making my locks shine with health and manageability. However, right after ironing . . . not so much. Even with leave-in conditioner and anti-frizz serum, the ends of my hair are somewhat stiff and crispy

Sephora once gave me sample sizes of Josie Maran's Argan Oil. In the pursuit of experimentation, I dribbled a drop or two onto my palms, rubbed them together, then ran my hands through my hair, which thirstily drank up the offered nourishment. 

With literally the amount of a raindrop, my hair now had that shampoo-ad smoothness and "flip"-ability; instead of waiting for Sunday for my hair to look good, it looked great right off the bat.

There are many argan oil-based products for hair and body, as well as the 100% oil itself, available on Vitacost.

In the Science Section (of all places) there was a query as to why some hair types frizz in the humidity. The answer was that hair that is dry sucks up moisture from the air, which eventually leads to frizz. Meaning, the more moisturized hair is, the less it will frizz.

I've recently become aware (thank you, StepItUp) that many hair products have alcohol as the primary ingredient, which actually dries hair out instead of moisturizing it. That's why this 100% oil seems like a good bet.  


SpordicIntelligence said...

Why wasn't this post around when I was single?!!

Another professional aunt said...

If you add oil on Friday afternoon, by Sunday will the hair already be over-oily from the combination of the hair's own oils and the added argan oil?

Anonymous said...

And then there are those of us who's hair get as oily as a 3-day YT by Shabbos afternoon. Ah, to trade problems with you...

Princess Lea said...

SI: Oh, come on, removable hairdo must be so simple.

APA: 1) If applying oil to the hair, use drop. I mean literally, a drop.

2) Do not apply anywhere near the roots. My roots isn't the issue; it is the ends of my hair that is gasping for moisture.

Since the roots are the source of moisture, many recommend not conditioning there at all after shampooing. But I feel that no moisture at all may make the oil production kick into overtime. So I condition there, but no other product post-shower.

3) I rub that one drop of oil between my hands and just pass it through the crispy bits. Makes SUCH a difference.

That way, my hair is not an oil slick by Sunday.

Anon: Was I complaining? I have no desire to trade, thank you!

Have you checked out dry shampoo? I find cornstarch does the job. I use it on 3-day YT as well and it really helps to absorb the oil. Not too much, just a sprinkle.

Rachel said...

I used Frizz-Eaze Finishing Creme (Secret Weapon) for years when I ironed my hair. It worked beautifully. It gave it that "next-day" gloss and softness. The only times I didn't use it were when I needed my hair to look nice the second day more than the first day (two-day yom tov).

Princess Lea said...

Ha! It is actually called "secret weapon"! And it doesn't seem to contain alcohol . . . I must check it out. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

If you havent yet seen this, Im sure ul get a kick out of it...

Princess Lea said...

Aaaah! Her haaaaaaaiiiiir!